Mladší paleolit

Středisko pro paleolit a paleoantropologii v Dolních Věstonicích vede dlouhodobý výzkum loveckých sídlišť pod Pálavou. Na podzim roku 2021 jsem spolupracoval na projektu analýzy prostorové distribuce při výrobě štípané industrie HUATACA /Hunters at a Camp/ Looking for workshop areas at the gravettian palimpsest site? An experimental approach.
Projekt vedl Mgr. Martin Novák, Ph.D. s kolegy: Mgr. Jaroslav Bartík, Ph.D., Mgr. Anna-Marie Ourodová, Mgr. Dominik Chlachula, Bc. Barbora Kotková.
Z abstraktu:
Generally, the archaeological objects create spatial patterns and structures, which are understood and interpreted as an expression of human behaviour and adaptation to the natural and socio-economic environments. An experimental flint knapping was performed in autumn 2021 in order to (a) simulate archaeological situations; and (b) to create the analytical analogy of latent distribution patterns of lithic reduction. Our study correlates the spatial distribution patterns of experimentally knapped flint assemblages with respect to various levels of the knappers' experiences, from the beginner to the advanced. The experimental design and protocol focus on (a) obtaining blanks from an unprepared core, executed by three male right-handed knappers; (b) documentation of the scattered patterns of lithics; and (c) recording an amount of waste created during the different sequences in lithic reduction – especially in between the phase of core preparation and the phase of blank production. The knappers' raw material exploitation efficiency was counted by the number of blades produced from cores with a similar or close in size and weight. Our preliminary results confirm, for example, direct correlation in between knappers' experiences and (a) spatial distribution of knapping waste around them, and (b) his efficiency in flint core exploitation (causing a narrower and smaller scatter pattern with a higher density, followed by more efficient core exploitation in favour of the knapper with a higher level of experiences). Finally, we built an important and comparative framework necessary for the study of lithic spatial distribution on the Gravettian sites from the Dolní Věstonice-Pavlov-Milovice settlement area.